the recipient into opening attachments and releasing malware on to their system . But the spokeswoman ruled out such an attack on Friday night . The trust has not said how much of its system has been affected by the attack or whether patient data has been compromised but it said it believed that most of the affected system was housing corporate data . The trust ’ s filing system between departments has been turned off while the investigation takes place . Staff at the Royal Free London foundation trust were also warned to beware of attacks on Friday , the Guardian has learned . “ We have been informed of a major cyber-attack on NHS organisations . Please exercise extreme caution when opening any email attachments from unknown source or that don ’ t seem relevant to you . We will be carrying out security scans on all computers within the trust so please leave them switched on until further notice , ” wrote the trust ’ s IT director , Tosh Mondal . A spokesman said the email was in reaction to the Barts attack and that the Royal Free London , as well as Barnet and Chase Farm hospitals , had not been affected . NHS Digital said it was aware that Barts had been infected by a “ virus which has affected their IT systems ” . A spokesperson said : “ This issue highlights the fact that there are threats to data security within the health and care sector , as with any other sector . We remain committed to supporting the protection of data with the highest possible security standards , high levels of security expertise from the centre and appropriate training and awareness of the risks for all staff ” . She declined to answer questions about whether other NHS trusts had been affected , how much data may have been affected and who may be behind the attack . In October , the Northern Lincolnshire and Goole foundation trust was hitAttack.Ransomby an attack in which malware was used to encrypt files and demand a ransomAttack.Ransomin order to restore access . The trust did not pay the ransomAttack.Ransombut was forced to cancel patient appointments as its systems were shut down to remove the virus . John Bambenek , a threat intelligence manager at the firm Fidelis Cybersecurity , said : “ The trouble is that local authorities and governments aren ’ t very prepared and they have extremely valuable information that simply can ’ t be lost , so they ’ re a tempting target for cybercriminals . “ Cyber defence is essential , but it ’ s no longer enough ; organisations of all sizes need to invest in detecting threats as well . Only then will cyber criminals be caught early enough to expel them from the network before serious damage is done ”